To our Partners
We extend our heartfelt thanks to our partners for their incredible support of the Naas Wild Food Festival. Your dedication and collaboration are vital in making this event a success, allowing us to showcase our community and the diverse and rich foods of our region. Together, we create an extraordinary experience for all attendees, fostering a deeper appreciation for the food bounty on our doorstep. We are excited to continue this fruitful partnership and look forward to many more successful festivals ahead.
We couldn’t get by each year without the ongoing support of local businesses, the community, dedicated volunteers, schools, and community organizations which get involved and help us organise and run the festival. We are deeply grateful, as the festival could not happen without their assistance. We encourage our community to support these local businesses throughout the year.
Many local businesses contribute to the festival by taking part in and hosting events, supplying produce, and providing other forms of support. Their involvement is crucial for the ongoing development and sustainability of this community-based festival, helping to promote our local food, culture and community.
We are fortunate in Naas to have a community that supports our efforts to showcase what Naas has to offer each year. Many businesses generously contribute their time, facilities, and financial support to ensure the success of the next Wild Food Festival.
Here’s to a great festival in 2024.
Gerry, Tom and all the Naas Wild Food Festival team

St Paticks



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